Let’s embrace our “weird” with our education.

We want our students to be themselves, right? Think about all the “after school specials” and all the Disney channel shows that we used to watch with that exact lesson: be yourself. So why then do we push them to have the same education as the rest of the crowd? If we truly want students to be unique and learn exactly who they are, I’m not sure a traditional education is the place they will learn that.

Don’t misunderstand. I think there are schools doing a great job helping students embrace who they are while getting a good education. But let’s all be honest— the current state of education is not equipped to be there for every students’ individualized needs while embracing their quirks and personalities.

At Noema Learning, we pride ourselves on being different. Our microschool for 6-12th grade students offers a unique and quirky approach to education that you won't find anywhere else. Instead of sitting through monotonous lectures and endless worksheets, students here are encouraged to think deeply, share ideas with peers, and gain real-world experience in a fun and comfortable environment.

Benefits of a Noema Learning Microschool

1. Personalized Learning

One of the biggest benefits of attending a microschool is the personalized learning experience. Unlike traditional schools with large class sizes, Noema Learning keeps class sizes small, (capping at 10 this year) allowing guides to cater to the individual needs and learning styles of each student. Whether you excel in math, struggle with writing, or have a passion for science, our teachers will work with you to create a customized learning plan that helps you reach your full potential.

2. Real-World Experience

Another advantage of a microschool is the emphasis on real-world experience. At Noema Learning, we believe that education shouldn't just take place within the four walls of a classroom. That's why we provide opportunities for students to apply their knowledge in real-world settings, whether it's through hands-on projects, internships, or community service.

3. Fun Learning Environment

Gone are the days of boring lectures and rote memorization! Noema Learning offers a fun and engaging learning environment where students are free to explore their interests, think creatively, and collaborate with their peers. We meet at home in order to keep things comfy and chill; this keeps the pressure low and the creative energy up. From interactive activities to group projects, every day is a new adventure at our Noema Learning.

Join the Quirky Revolution

If you're ready to revolutionize your education and experience the quirky benefits of a microschool, consider enrolling at Noema Learning. Embrace personalized learning, gain real-world experience, and have fun along the way. Your educational journey is about to get a whole lot more interesting!


How to foster a fun, personalized learning environment (or at least, how I plan to).
