The alternate title for this blog was "Honey, I started a micrschool," but I was unsure if there were people who would understand the Rick Moranis movie reference. 

But yes. Whoopsie! I went and started a microschool. 

Although much of this feels accidental, this whole process was anything BUT accidental. 

It's hard to pinpoint the exact starting point of this journey. And honestly, I would rather just skip ahead and tell you where I am now. So let me do just that. Very basically, after being a public high school English teacher for 10 years, I am done. This is not a blog to list the multiple things I was done with, (maybe another day), so I won't bore you with a list. Just know: I was done.

When I say "done" I mean mentally. I stuck around for several years after knowing this was not a viable career any longer. What can I say?! Teaching wasn't just a career-- it was, and very much still is, who I am! 

Who would "Elisa Hernandez" be if I couldn't also be "Mrs. H?"

Around this time last year, (March, 2023) I got an email about an information session going over what a microschool was. To say I was hesitant would be a gross understatement. There was NO part of me that wanted to be an "educational entrepreneur." I can barely SPELL the word "entrepreneur!" (Yes, I am an English teacher that doesn't know how to spell; don't judge). I'm a teacher! I can't run a dang business. Where do I even start!?

It shocked and amazed me just how helpful people in the microschool space can be and have been. I slowly found resources, helpful people, and wonderful mentors. 

But what also shocked me is when I began speaking about my possible plans to start a microschool, families were DESPERATE to know more. Families began to seek me out, asking me everything about this new wave of schooling. 

So I guess I should probably say what a microschool actually is. Bear with me. I am used to blogging a little rambly and resemble how my actual thoughts tend to go. If this isn't your cup of tea, no need to announce your exit, just stop reading. 

Those of you still with me: what is a microschool? Kind of exactly what is sounds like. I define it as an educational space but a smaller group. This allows for a ton of innovative and unique educational opportunities for students. Some are in homes, in churches, in retail spaces, offices spaces, and so much more. 

That's a general definition. 

But what is Noema Learning? (Noema is a Greek word meaning thought or perception). I founded Noema Learning with the idea that learning should be fun and personalized for teenagers. 



I plan to go into more detail on both of those details in this blog more. 

I just want to teach all the students. I want the to know how POWERFUL an education can be. I am so tired of students not trying and not caring. Being able to be interested in what they learn, is life changing. Education CAN be life changing. 

I just want to show students how life changing education can be. 


Let’s embrace our “weird” with our education.