…there is an element of fun.
I can confidently say that these last two weeks have been the BEST start to a school that I have ever had.
My students are connecting really well.
We are having such organic, and teachable discussion together.
We are learning and growing in such unique ways.
I am just so blessed with this group, this schedule, and this job.
I know and accept that this is a “honeymoon” phase. But truthfully, I’m not really worried about when this phase ends. I know we will hit bumps in the road and it won’t be perfect. But I believe these two weeks have set a solid foundation that when hard times happen, we will be able to get through them really well together.
I’m really trying to be in each moment with my students. I am trying to have fun with them, without the guilt of “this isn’t academic enough” or “they aren’t working hard enough” or all the other baggage I brought into this. I am trying allow plenty of fun, while tying their content and curriculum.
Today was a great moment of that. During our social studies block we really had such an organic conversation about our history, politics, cancel culture, art, and so much more! These students are THINKING. And even the students that might not have participated in the conversation, listened and got a lot of hearing viewpoints from their peers. Not having to always attach some kind graded assignment really frees up space for ORGANIC learning.
This is it. This is the way I’ve always wanted to teach.
Safe to say: I am having a great time.
It’s funny, I have always loved the Mary Poppins quote that says “In every job that must be done, there is an element of fun.” I had that quote in my classroom, I displayed it everywhere, it was my email signature, and so many other places. But I think for the first time, I truly feel like the quote has come to fruition in my work life.